Latest Update: March 25, 2003
I have just finished a production of the Caucasian Chalk Circle which ran for one week on the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff, main stage. Have been offered the Mermaid role on the Summer production of Pinocchio which plays in St Fagans open air stage at the beginning of July.
Have completed several short student films and have a few more lined up for coming month.
Am taking on the role of co-director and actor for a short version of the Vagina Monologues playing in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff around early May.
Looking for more film and television work...
Old updates...
Finished directing a student film called "The Unexpected Outcome of Doing Business with Mr Jones" written by Matt Kelly and Dan Crook. More information about this film can be found on www.bartonmedia.fsnet.co.uk (see links page)
After this I acted in a student film called "To Be Penny Richards", also written and edited by me.
I moved to Cardiff in July and am working on a short film here called "Amongst Lions" as a Production Co ordinator.
Have also teamed up with Those People Productions to assist with their monthly film screenings, if you are interested in coming along or submitting a video it is open to everyone and takes place in the Old Arcade pub, Cardiff on the last Wednesday night of every month, call or email me for further details.